Call to Bid $2 million value in this totally new venture based on the Sun Light’s Wavelength- collected by a Nano-Antenna in Space, that obsoletes the current practice of Photovoltaics using Semiconductor Panel. See my proposal on Twitter (X)
The Opportunity has come as I want to make Solar Electricity become an Efficient Electricity Resource in 4 years under Pres. Trump’s Reign.
Elon Musk has an EYE- “clicked like” on it, after I REPLIED to a Tweet from Him in 20 mins.
Tweet #3: Call for Bid $2 million value. (Dec. 2, 2024)
I reduce my CALL for Bid $2 million, instead of $5 million (dated 11.14.2024) to BUY my Totally New Solar Electricity in SPACE Venture based on its electromagnetics “Sunlight- WAVE”, collected with a Nano-Antenna.
Elon Musk has an EYE- “clicked like” on it, after replied to a tweet from HIM in 20 mins.
The Opportunity has come as I want to make Solar Electricity become an Efficient Electricity Resource in 4 years under Pres. Trump’s Reign.
+ SUN is an Unlimited and GOD given Free HOT POT.
+ Electricity is BEAMED back to the Earth Ground by High Voltage (as planned by NASA) but will destroy or prohibit for living in A LARGE AREA.
- instead, use CABLE to have a transmission to other places in long distance. A future advance in technology, we can Zip or Compact, like we did with big FILES for Storage in Computer- it's just my assumption.
+ A nano-antenna technology is already in place. This project is completed in 2010 with a collaboration between DOE (Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517) and Idaho National Laboratory (D. K. Kotter & S. D. Novack). They didn't use it as they thought (since Newton, or Einstein's Quantum Physics) this electromagnetics of Sunlight is weak!
I didn’t believe my eye as I read:
A group of researchers at University of Michigan published a paper in 2011 that “At the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected.”
Here is another:
(2019) Bill Gates got it on HEAT (Solar Energy)
“… discovered a way to use artificial intelligence and a field of mirrors to reflect so much sunlight that it generates extreme heat above 1,000 degrees Celsius.”
Technically, they are the same- synonym. Why not buy the technology made from University of Michigan?
Current practice of Semiconductor Panel is OBSOLETED, as my new research that both NASA and Caltech looked into Solar in SPACE, but ONLY me has a real research data and a practical plan for this Solar Electricity based on Sunlight-Wave.
I am a graduate of Ivy Leagues Colleges- Vanderbilt & Johns Hopkins.
I DETAILED in my proposal to NSF for funding. I was invited to present this poster at IEEE (2016) in Portland, Oregon and lately with AICHE (Dec. 2022) at Phoenix, Arizona for a group of Faculties and Post-Docs. But my parents didn’t allow me to go.
See details in my proposal to NSF for funding in the link.
Looking into your Bid $2 million from your FIRMS or Venture Capitals.
Best wishes,
Winston Vo
cell: (615) 484-3662
email: – first year- MS in Applied Physics @ The Johns Hopkins University – coming Spring 2025.
Tweet #1: Original Bid (Nov. 8, 2024)
Elon Musk & Trump- Let’s in SPACE Venture for TOTALLY New Solar Electricity based on its electromagnetics “Sunlight- WAVE” collected with a Nano-Antenna.
I was invited to have a poster at IEEE in Portland, Oregon (2016) and AICHE in Phoenix, Arizona (2022). I also submitted to The Trump Victory Transition Team 2016 (see email Dec. 12, 2016).
The NASA just published (Jan 11, 2024) its portfolio on the Space-based Solar Power Project.
A long ago, the announcement has been made from The University of Michigan (2011) for an enormous strength found at a selected electromagnetics (Sun Wave) on earth, and Bill Gates (2019) for an ample reflected Sunlight, also on earth. Neither does not go forth in life.
Last week, I checked back, then I got a printed and detailed portfolio from NASA as dated January 11, 2024. And I further recognized that on the Earth, the Sunlight got trapped in layers above the Earth. So, your approach to the Space is a good attempt, and your credible institution is a trust for go forward in this frontier.
Here is my proposal (submitted Dec. 14, 2022) for NSF funding. Rejected: It is NOT CONSIDERED as a Technology Innovation. Why not, when Solar Heat by Bill Gates is! (2019)
I hope this BRINGS IN THE WORLD for this SEARCHING Quickly Success- TRUMP’S REIGN TIME!!! Elon Musk is already in Space X.
- Briefly Describe the Technology Innovation? The key for this Solar Electricity Project is the WAVE character out of Dual Wave-Particle of Sunlight, which creates an electromagnetic effect and will be collected by a Nano-Antenna. This perception has been raised in the early years, but it is neglected until the discovery of a huge capacity by The University of Michigan in 2011, says: “At the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected.”
Even the Duality of Wave-Particle was assumed at the time of Newton, and later by Einstein, but now research is conducted and published on January 13, 2022 (in Japan) under scope of Quantum Mechanics to restate this Duality character. Last month, this project was again accepted for a poster presentation at The AIChE Annual Meeting (Nov. 13, 2022) in Phoenix, AZ. The most astonishment is to present at The Meet the Faculty and Post-Doc Candidate Poster Session.
- Briefly Describe the Technical Objectives and Challenges? This Solar Electricity Project now has everything in a plate. The Nano antenna is not a new thing. A detail of “Theory and Manufacturing Processes of Solar Nano-antenna Electromagnetic Collectors” was published (ASME) in 2010 (D.K. Kotter). The enormous strength which was stated in 2011 by U Michigan made this method promissory. Others will come along, such as battery [capacitor] to store the collected electricity: Vanderbilt U in 2013 successfully made a Silicon-based Super-Capacitor for a theory: “Whereas a battery stores energy in a chemical reaction, super capacitors store energy in ions on the surface of a porous material- usually activated carbon.” The other good fortune for my start up is that San Jose- a Silicon Valley (2011) dropped out its race to make a second breakthrough as a Solar Valley, and I see it as an opportunity of inherits from its research.
I have a degree in Chemical Engineering and Applied Mathematics from Vanderbilt University and worked for Honeywell Inc. in Control Systems in 1998 before it was merged with Allied-Signal Inc. After I left Houston, Texas and returned home in Nashville, TN, I changed my career to pharmacy. I am now not thoroughly speaking of any of them, but I understand its importance. I hope the funding will let me focus on this new trend: Duality is now confirmed (Jan 13, 2022, in Japan); Nano-Antenna (2008); and Strength of Wave (University of Michigan, 2011). I can put them together and if needed, to conduct further research through a collaboration with universities.
- Briefly Describe the Market Opportunity?
According to the report from SEIA [Solar Energy Industries Association] (accessed on June 3, 2020), there are three primary technologies by which solar energy is harnessed: photovoltaics (PV), which directly convert light to electricity; concentrating solar power (CSP), which uses heat from the sun (thermal energy) to drive utility-scale, electric turbines; and solar heating and cooling (SHC) systems, which collect thermal energy to provide hot water and air heating or conditioning. My new approach is: "electromagnetics" [wave] of Sun Lights are collected with a Nano-Antenna. A discovery "100 million times stronger" by The University of Michigan in 2011 brought this approach a reality in terms of efficiency and cheap with a Quantum Arena.
- Briefly Describe the Company and Team? I am ALONE on this Solar Electricity Project, which I started when I visited my wife’s family in San Jose, CA in 2011 at the news that San Jose- a Silicon Valley dropped out its race to make a second breakthrough as a Solar Valley, and I see it as an opportunity of inherits from its research. I bought a lot of books on this topic at first Photovoltaic, and later its WAVE character.
- How did you first hear about our program?
NSF email
I didn’t believe my eye as I read:
A group of researchers at University of Michigan published a paper in 2011 that “At the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected.”
Here is another:
(2019) Bill Gates got it on HEAT (Solar Energy)
“… discovered a way to use artificial intelligence and a field of mirrors to reflect so much sunlight that it generates extreme heat above 1,000 degrees Celsius.”
Technically, they are the same- synonym. Why not buy the technology made from University of Michigan?
Best wishes. If you do, remember me!!!
Winston Vo
cell: (615) 484-3662
email: – first year- MS in Applied Physics @ Johns Hopkins University
Tweet #2: Supplements. (Nov. 9, 2024)
The STRONG RAY (a certain Sunlight’s wavelength- like Ultraviolet) has not mentioned except once in 2011 with a data backed by University of Michigan for this electromagnetics venture. That’s why a nano-antenna was made-up but has not been applied, like a dual wave-particle is acknowledged since Newton and then furnished with a Quantum Physics by Einstein.
Lately, I realized that this RAY got trapped, so a SPACE Venture got better appeal. Not any sources mentioned Why (strengths) or Technologies, besides I already collected data above.
I wrote to Caltech Group: (August 19, 2024)
“Last week, I checked back, then I got a printed and detailed portfolio from NASA as dated January 11, 2024. And I further recognized that on the Earth, the Sunlight GOT TRAPPED in layers above the Earth. So, your approach to the Space is a good attempt, and your credible institution is a trust for go forward in this frontier.”
Winston Vo
(c) (615) 484-3662
New Solar Electricity- Sun Light’s Wavelength- collected by a Nano-antenna (originally not yet in Space)- Invited 2016 IEEE in Portland, Oregon and 2022 AIChE in Phoenix, Arizona. Also submitted to Trump 1st Term on Dec. 12, 2016- just won the election.
(Originally, I wrote this email to our newly elected President Trump and elected officials, back to December 12, 2016. The huge capacity of this electromagnetics that was found (in 2011) by a group at University of Michigan has called “a final” for this long campaign. A detail of “Theory and Manufacturing Processes of Solar Nanoantenna Electromagnetic Collectors” was published (ASME) in 2010 by a group of researchers/professors including: D.K. Kotter, S.D. Novack, W.D. Slafer, P.J. Pinhero.)
From: Winston Vo
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 11:08 AM
Cc:;; Hoang Nguyen;;;;
Subject: [for Pres. Trump: new Solar electricity] Collect Electromagnetics of Light with Nanoantenna, Instead of Using Traditional Solar Powered Cells.
Pres. Trump’s Transition Team:
“Collect Electromagnetics of Sun Light with Nanoantenna”- a new discovery that could bring in an influx of excitement for his reign.
A group of researchers at University of Michigan published a paper in 2011 that “At the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger that previously expected.”
My project was invited for presentation at a major conference in the United States (June 2016).
Please, take a look for this new opportunity.
Winston Vo
Founder & Project Engineer
Solar Powered Cell, Inc.,- a frontier research on the electromagnetics of Sunlights invited for presentation at 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference in Portland, Oregon (June 5-10, 2016)
Cell: (615) 484-3662
___________________Topic: Call for Investment with a New Perspective of Light- Electromagnetics
Dual Wave-Particle Nature of Light: Collect Electromagnetics of Sun Lights with Nanoantenna, Instead of Using Traditional Solar Powered Cells.
My background is in Chemical Engineering & Applied Mathematics. I worked in the field of control systems in Texas. I first got interested in solar power research last year- Memorial Weekend of 2013, as my own family visited my wife’s parents in San Jose, California. I received the news of San Jose, a Silicon Valley, not to strive for a second breakthrough to be a Solar Valley. The venture capitals didn’t receive a quick or big return of investment, so they quitted. I then saw it as an opportunity for myself as a researcher and a new entrepreneur to inherit the “asset of researches”, like Viet Nam, the only man remaining with communism doctrine that once reigned gloriously in the eastern Europe.
The topic about electromagnetics of Sun Light at first was introduced in 2008 as a part of discussion held each Wednesday on Cyber by to examine the viability of emerging energy technologies- the power of the future. The topic once was “How Quantum Physics Could Power the Future” by Michael Schirber. 3 years later (2011), University of Michigan researchers published a paper that: “Solar Power without Solar Cells: A Hidden Magnetic Effect of Light Could Make It Possible.” The news agencies commented that “They overturned a century-old tenet of physics.”
___________________The 43rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference in Portland, Oregon (June 5-10, 2016)- Abstract Accepted
Dual wave-particle Nature of Light: Magnetic Effect of Light Could Lead to Solar Power without Traditional Semiconductor-Based Solar Cells.
Author: Winston Vo
Affiliates: Solar Powered Cell, Inc., Nashville, TN, United States/ The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Abstract: Sunlight is known for its use in photosynthesis of plant. Modern dye-sensitized solar cells, or Grätzel cells, are based on this concept invented in 1988 by Brian O’Regan and Michael Grätzel, but the concept dates back to the 1960s and 70s. Another hidden mystique is its dual wave-particle nature. So, it has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. A group of researchers at University of Michigan published a paper in 2011 that “At the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected.” In an interview, they said “Instead of the light being absorbed, energy is stored in the magnetic moment. Intense magnetization can be induced by intense light and then it is ultimately capable of providing a capacitive power source.” The discovery of a dramatic and surprising magnetic effect of light could lead to solar power without traditional semiconductor-based solar cells. This dual nature of light has not been reserved as a technical area topic in this 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference that is held in Denver, Colorado in June 8-13, 2014. Before the headline news that was made by the researchers at University of Michigan in 2011, there was an article “ring a bell” on this dual nature of light with subject “How Quantum Physics Could Power the Future” by Michael Schirber on July 30, 2008 on
Final Area:
Area: Area 1: Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies
Sub-Area: Sub-Area 1.2: Quantum-well, Wire, and Dot-Architectured Devices